Sage 100 Accounts Receivable Module
Sage 100 ERP (formerly Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL) Accounts Receivable quickly and easily accumulates and presents the information you need for effective cash management in an intuitive format. The straightforward implementation streamlines daily accounts receivable activities for optimum efficiency, and the flexible design allows you to turn views and options on or off to suit your requirements. Streamline how you manage your customers who have corporate and branch accounts utilizing powerful National Accounts features. Efficiently track and bill the parent company for goods and services you sell and provide to the branch—while still keeping a unique customer account for each entity.
Powerful, yet simple to use, Accounts Receivable has streamlined and flexible cash management capabilities with multiple key reports. Easily generate personalized customer communications using built-in Paperless Office capabilities, save copies of generated reports, and easily access them anytime.
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Accounts Receivable tracks receivables, plans cash flow, and provides extensive information and reporting features to give you vital business insights to plan for the future. The powerful invoicing function allows you to prepare invoices and billings from within the system and automatically prepares customer statements on demand.
The multiple features of the Accounts Receivable module allow divisional accounting, use of multiple bank accounts, audit trails, the ability to add new customers and codes “on the fly,” automatic processing of repetitive billing, statement printing on standard or custom forms, advanced sales tax support, extensive reporting, and more.
A comprehensive module, Accounts Receivable also integrates with General Ledger, Sales Order, Inventory Management, Job Cost, Bank Reconciliation, e-Business Manager, and Custom Office. And, of course, the Sage award-winning customer and technical support teams back you 100 percent.