How to Run Sage 100 Advanced/Premium in Standard Mode or MAS90 Mode
How to run Sage 100 Advanced or Premium in Standard Mode or MAS90 Mode.
This is Also Known As MAS90 Style
Run Sage 100 Advanced in Sage 100 Standard mode (bypassing the Sage 100 Advanced or Premium edition’s service or application) to troubleshoot issues such as the following:
- Deferred is the only printer option available
- Errors on the screen that are otherwise disguised
- Network connection issues
- Other tasks that may require using a mapped drive instead of UNC to retrieve the data
- Other problems that may be tied to the running of the Sage 100 Advanced edition’s service or application, such as program or data corruption
Note: This method is not recommended for normal operational use for the following reasons:
- It does not use the primary Sage 100 Advanced features (for example: processing data at the server rather that the workstation, performance, network security)
- Users cannot “see” each other. Users in “Sage Mas 90” mode do not display in the Sage 100 Advanced Master Console. Sage 100 Advanced users do not display in the “Sage 100 Standard” master Console
- The correct toolbar bitmaps and HTML pages do not display on the Business Desktop (Launcher)
- Map a drive to the parent drive or folder above the “..\MAS90” folder where Sage 100 Advanced is installed (for example: “F:\Apps\MAS90”).
- A UNC path cannot be used. The “Sage 100 Standard” users must have the Full Control permissions to the “..\MAS90” folder and all subfolders.
- Then, either run Sage 100 from the Providex prompt, or create a Sage 100 Standard shortcut icon.
To Run Sage 100 Advanced from the ProvideX prompt:
- In Windows Explorer, go to the server’s ..\MAS90\Home folder
- Double-click Pvxwin32.exe
- At the ProvideX prompt, type RUN “STARTUP.M4P”
- Note: For MAS 90/200 versions 3.7x or below, type RUN “MAS90”
- Press ENTER
- Log into Sage 100
To create a “Sage 100 ERP Standard” shortcut icon:
- Make a copy of the Sage 100 ERP Advanced shortcut icon
- Modify the following fields in the new icon (where X is the mapped drive letter, or C at the server):
- Target:
“X:\MAS90\Home\ Pvxwin32.exe” ..\Launcher\Sota.ini ..\SOA\Startup.m4p - Start In (quotes are required only if the path contains a space):
Note: In case of an upgrade, for Sage 100 versions 3.7x (MAS200), on Step 2 above, target will be “x:\MAS90\Home\Pvxwin32.exe” ..\Launcher\Sota.ini ..\SOA\MAS90
Sage 100 ERP Premium Server Edition:
Assign SQL database permissions to the user:
Note: This step is not necessary if you log on as Administrator. The trusted Windows Administrator will be mapped into the SQL Builtin\Administrators group, unless specific SQL Server security has been set up.
Note the user’s Windows domain account.
Open a command prompt (Start / Run / CMD) and type SET
Note the values for USERNAME and USERDOMAIN
Have the SQL Database Administrator (DBA) assign the following database roles to domain account for the MAS_XXX and MAS_SYSTEM databases (XXX = company code):
Create the MASSQL DSN driver to access the data.
Note: If you are at the server, this step is not necessary. The MASSQL DSN already exists.
At the Windows Start menu, click Control Panel.
Double-click Administrative Tools and Data Sources (ODBC) to open ODBC Data Source Administrator (or run Start / Run / ODBCAD32). (Note: For a 64-bit operating system, you must run ODBCAD32.EXE from the “C:\Windows\SysWOW64” folder to access the 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator).
Click System DSN tab.
Click Add
Select SQL Server and click Finish to start the wizard.
Enter the following and click Next:
Description = MASSQLServer = The name or IP address of the SQL Server
Click With Windows NT Authentication Using Network Login ID option button.
Click Client Configuration
Click TCP/IP option button, and OK to return to the authentication window.
Click Next.
Note: If “Logon Failure” or similar occurs, the user account does not have sufficient rights to the SQL Server. Close the window, give the user sufficient rights, and start over.
Select both of the ANSI check boxes, and clear all other check boxes. Click Next.
Accept the default selections and click Finish.
Click Test Data Source to verify the connection.
Make a copy of the Sage 100 ERP Premium shortcut icon
Modify the following fields in the new icon (where X is the mapped drive letter, or C at the server):
“X:\MAS90\Home\Pvxwin32.exe” ..\Launcher\Sota.ini ..\SOA\Startup.m4pStart In (quotes are required only if the path contains a space):
If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.