Reporting Trees are missing after upgrading Sage Intelligence


“#error: reporting tree [xxx doesntexist]”, displays in Excel fields when generating an imported Report Designer Add-In report in Sage Intelligence.
Reporting Trees not included when exporting reports in Sage Intelligence.
Reporting Trees are missing after upgrading Sage Intelligence.


Reporting Trees are not included within the Export File. If Reporting Trees are being used then the Reporting Tree needs to be manually copied.

  1. Close Sage Intelligence and Excel
  2. Browse to the Sage Intelligence shared repository folder for older version and double click the ReportTrees folder
    • Note: If importing into another Sage Intelligence system, see attached.
  3. Copy all applicable Reporting Tree file(s) (i.e. xxxxx.tre) (xxxxx=Tree Name)
  4. Browse and open the Sage Intelligence shared repository folder for newer version and double click the Report Trees folder
  5. Paste the files copied in step 3 into this folder
  6. Log into new Sage Intelligence version and generate applicable report
  7. Reporting Tress are now available