What do the Different ‘Operation’ on the Data Tab mean in Visual Integrator when Creating or Modifying Import Jobs that are Being Used in Sage 100 ERP?
What do the different ‘Operation’ on the Data tab mean in Visual Integrator when creating or modifying Import Jobs that are being used in Sage 100 ERP?
For this example AR.InvoiceHeader for Accounts Receivable Invoice Data Entry will be used
- Open Visual Integrator, Main, Import Job Maintenance
- For Job Name enter Test
- For Table Name enter AR_InvoiceHeader
- Click on the Data tab
- Double click on AR.InvoiceNo to open the properties window for this field
- For Operation the following choices are available: Select Replace to import the field from the source fileSelect Assign to assign the field a constant value for all records imported. Enter the value in the Default field
- Select File Assign to assign values from another table, when the key to that table is available from the record. Enter the name of the table in the Table Name field.
- Select Run Assign to prompt for a value for all records imported at the time the import is started. In the Prompt Field, enter the prompt to be displayed when entering the job is ran
- Select Incr Assign to assign a starting numeric value, which will be incremented by 1 for each record imported
- Select Calculated to assign the field using a valid expression entered in the Calculation field
- Note: Knowledge of how to create Calculated and Conditional fields using code language will be necessary for using this Operation. See Programmer Guide or consult with Reseller if necessary
- Select Next for fields that can receive a “next” number, such as a Sales Order number, Invoice Number, or Transaction Number. “Next” can also be used for number when generating new customers during the import into AR_Customer (Customer Maintenance) table.