How to test and convert custom Crystal Reports in Sage 100


How to test and convert custom Crystal Reports in Sage 100.
When upgrading the version of Sage 100, the existing custom Crystal Reports and forms may be converted or recreated.


Per the Sage 100 Upgrade Guide (2015 version), to test customized Crystal Reports and Forms (Step 10 of the pre-migration steps):

To run the utility, select File, Run, and then type SYWFCU. The utility tells you which tables, if anym have been added to a report or form. It does not provide information about formatting changes, such as those affecting fonts, logos, and so forth. If you were previously using non-graphical forms, you will need to set them up anew using SAP Crystal Reports.

If you are using Sage 100 Standard or Sage 100 Advanced, use the Crystal Reports Conversion Wizard to convert your Crystal reports and forms.

For more information, see SAP Crystal Reports FAQs in the Help system. If you do not run the wizard now, it will automatically run the first time that someone runs a form or report.

From the Sage 100 Installation Guide (Page 60 in the 2015 version):
To convert SAP Crystal Reports from a prior version:
When upgrading from a prior version of Sage 100, any custom SAP Crystal reports and forms must be converted to run in version 2015.
The Sage 100 Crystal Report Conversion Wizard converts prior versions of Sage 100 Crystal Reports forms and reports to the latest data dictionary revisions and SAP Crystal Reports format.

  1. In the …\MAS90\Home folder, locate and double-click mascrcw.exe.
    • The Sage 100 ERP Crystal Report Conversion Wizard appears
    • Click Next
  2. In the Select Reports page, verify the connection type
  3. In the User Name field, type the user logon and type the password in the Password field
    • NOTE: For information on converting reports for that product, see Converting Reports for Sage 100 Premium on page 61 of the Sage 100 Installation Guide
    • NOTE: This wizard runs the first time you access a SAP Crystal Report created using a level of Sage 100 prior to the current version
  4. In the Company field, type your company code in uppercase.
    • Verify that the company selected has the appropriate modules installed
    • For example, do not convert Manufacturing Crystal reports (W/O or B/M) for demo company code ABC. Those modules do not exist in company ABC, and the conversion will not complete on the reports.
  5. In the Directory field, verify that the path is correct. Click Next.
  6. In the Reports Path field, enter the path, or click Browse and select the folder to search for reports that require conversion. All forms and reports that have been previously converted and those that contain the current Sage 100 version as a keyword will not be selected for conversion.
  7. Click Search to generate a list of reports. Click Cancel to stop the search.  You can select individual or multiple reports within the listing to convert. Select the report, or press CTRL to make multiple selections. Click Select All to convert all reports within the listing. Click Clear to clear the listing. To complete the conversion, click Next.
  8. In the Completing the Sage 100 ERP Crystal Report Conversion Wizard page, perform one of the following:
    Click Finish to initiate the conversion process.
    Click Back to return to the previous wizard or page.
    Click Cancel to exit the wizard.
  9. If you clicked Finish, the Converting Reports window appears. Click Save to save the listing of the selected reports and the conversion status of each report. The listing can be printed to the default Windows printer.
    If a field name used within the report or form no longer exists in the data source, it will be noted on the listing and removed from the report or form.
    If the removed field is contained in a formula, a SAP Crystal Reports error in printing message will appear when printing.
    Successfully converted reports generate an unconverted backup file in the same folder with a file extension of .rp_.
    • If Status: Complete appears, the report is successfully converted
    • If Status: Failed appears, note the error message and verify that the company you are logged onto using ODBC contains application data files for the selected report. If the conversion wizard cannot convert that report, the report must be manually converted. If errors are encountered during the conversion, the wizard will skip the report and continue with the next selected report.