Sage 100 – How to Remove Zero Quantity Costing Tiers


How to Remove Zero Quantity Costing Tiers in Inventory Management in Sage 100


Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions.


Note: Use Remove Zero Quantity Costing Tiers to remove the Item Costing Tier file of zero-quantity costing tiers (for LIFO, FIFO, lot, and serial items only) to create additional file space and streamline lot/serial number distribution.

Note: Beginning with version 5.10.6 a new column, Tier Value, was added to the Negative Tier Report. Costing Tiers with a non-zero Tier Value on the Negative Tier Report or non-zero Inventory Value on the Valuation Report, will not be removed by running this utility. See Additional Information for items that have a zero quantity and a non-zero tier value. Also see Related Resources

  1. Select Inventory Management Utilities menu.
  2. Remove Zero Quantity Costing Tiers.
  3. Enter the desired date
  4. Select Proceed.

Additional Information

For tiers with a zero quantity and a non-zero cost, two adjustments are required to address this.

  1. First enter a positive adjustment to match the entry, and override the cost to match as well; for example, if the overridden cost was zero, enter zero.
  2. Post the adjustment
  3. Then enter a negative quantity adjustment and select the open positive tier with the remaining cost
  4. Post the second adjustment to bring the quantity back to zero and relieve the outstanding cost tier


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.