Inventory quantity does not match Bin Item quantity in Sage 100


Inventory quantity does not match Bin Item quantity
Out of sync Bin Item


Disabling Multi-Bin then re_Enabling Multi-Bin which did not clear the quantity in the bin. (prior)


Installing most current build for MBIM (you must have a MBIM build later than March 3, 2020).

Fixing Quantity On Hand Differences Between Sage 100 Item Maintenance and Item Bin Maintenance

This procedure uses Item Bin Maintenance to Disable Multi-Bin (clearing multi-bin distributions) and re-enabling Multi-Bin. This procedure assumes Item Maintenance is correct and matches Item Cost file.

Item Maintenance Screen

Item Bin Maintenance Screen

(1). Open Item Bin Maintenance – Main Tab – Check Disable Multi-Bin – Turning Multi-Bin OFF for this Item /Warehouse

The warning message ‘If you disable Multi-Bin Distribution, all multi-bin distribution records and all records from the MB_BinItem and MB_BinItemLotSerial files will be erased – Do you want to continue?’ will be displayed. Click OK to continue.

(2). Once you click OK, and Click ACCEPT, the multi-bin records will be Erased.

(3) Re-open Item Bin Maintenance for the Item -Warehouse and Un-Check Disable Multi-Bin

(4) Click ACCEPT and Multi-Bin will be enabled and the Item Maintenance QOH will be written to the Default Bin Location

(5) Use Quick Transfer to move from the Default Bin Location to the correct Bin Locations

(6) Complete