Intelligence Environmental Requirements for Sage 100
This article is intended as a high-level overview of the environmental requirements for all Sage 100 Intelligence add-ins to function normally.
- Sage Intelligence must be installed as a Local Administrator
- Excel must be installed and activated prior to the Sage Intelligence installation
- Excel must be closed during the installation of Sage Intelligence (also check that there are no remaining EXCEL.EXE processes listed in the Windows Task Manager-Processes tab)
- Windows User Account Control must be turned off during installation (requires a reboot after turning off U.A.C.)
- Microsoft V.S.T.O. (Visual Studio Tools for Office) runtime 2010 must be installed
- Microsoft V.S.T.O. runtime 3.0 must be installed
- Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5
- Microsoft .net Framework 4.5 or higher
All Sage Intelligence users must have Full Control level permissions to the following areas:- MAS90 parent directory (as is also normally required for Sage 100/MAS90)
- The Sage Intelligence Report Repository (displayed at the Report Manager login screen and originally set during Sage Intelligence setup)
- All folders that begin with ‘BI’ and are located in C:\Program Files(x86 if on 64bit Windows)\Common Files\ (screenshot below reflects the latest 2015 release, earlier versions may have fewer folders starting with ‘BI’)
- C:\ProgramData\Sage Software\SageMASIntelligenceXX\config.ini (XX=version number) – additionally, make sure that there are no duplicates of the config.ini file or Repository folder in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\VirtualStore
- Registry entries at HKEY_Current_User, Software, Microsoft, Office, Excel, Addins
- As with all permissions, if a group policy or domain is in place, those settings must reflect the above requirements
- If you are running in terminal services or a Citrix environment, please see the attached document