How to Import and Export Sage Intelligence Reports


  • How to Import and Export Reports in Sage 100 Intelligence
  • How to upgrade Sage 100 Intelligence reports
  • Getting errors when running Report Designer Add-In reports that were created in Sage 100 Intelligence 2014 or lower and then imported into Sage 200 2015 or higher
  • How to transfer SI Reports to a new Repository


Backup Warning

Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.


Upgrading or reinstalling Sage Intelligence


When upgrading Sage Intelligence (SI) versions you must first Export any applicable reports out of old SI installation then Import into new SI installation. See Important Notes below.

To Import Reports:

  1. Right-click on the Home object in the Object window and select Import Report or on the toolbar menu click on Tools and select Import Report.
  2. Select the report to be imported (with the .al_ extension) and click Open
  3. In the Import Report window, select the Target Connection (Connector).
  4. Note: The most commonly used connection is the Sage MAS (Auto Connect). If importing a Consolidated type of report or want the report to be a consolidated type of report, choose Sage MAS Consolidation from the Target Connection drop down list.
    • Note: In order to generate a consolidated type of report, you must own the Sage 100 Intelligence Connector module.
  5. Select the Report Destination (the folder) from drop down list.
  6. Click Import
  7. Click OK
  8. On the toolbar menu click Action and select Refresh

To Export Reports:

  1. Right-click on the report name and select Export Report or highlight the report and select Export Report from the Tools menu
  2. In the Save Export File As window, select the desired location and enter file name if needed
  3. Click Save
  4. Click OK to the message “Export Succeeded. To import this report…”


  • If you use Reporting Trees, please see related article below, Reporting Trees are missing after upgrading Sage Intelligence
  • If you use Distribution Instructions, please see related article below, Distribution Instructions are missing after upgrading Sage 100 Intelligence