How to View Posted Documents for a Customer in Accounts Receivable for Sage 300
To view a list of documents posted for a customer:
- Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Customers > Customer Inquiry.
- In the Customer No. field, enter the customer number, and then press Tab.
- If your Accounts Receivable ledger is multicurrency, in the Amounts In field, specify whether to display amounts in the customer’s currency or in your company’s functional currency.
Tip: When viewing amounts in the customer’s currency, if it is different from your functional currency, you can also see the exchange rates used to convert the transactions. - Click the Documents tab, and then:
- In the Document Type field, select the type of documents you want to view.
You can display invoices, credit notes, debit notes, interest charges, receipts (including unapplied cash, prepayments, and miscellaneous receipts), and refunds that have been posted to the customer’s account.
Apply document transactions and adjustments are not considered documents in Sage 300. They do not appear on the Documents tab, but instead:- Apply document transactions appear on the Receipts tab.
- Adjustments appear on the Adjustments tab.
Documents that are not yet posted are listed on the Pending tab.
- In the Order By field, specify the order in which to list transactions.
You can list transactions in order by one of the following attributes:- Document Number
- Document Date
- Due Date
- PO Number
- Order Number
- Shipment Number
- Current Balance
If you select Order Number, PO Number, or Shipment Number in the Order By field, transactions that do not include an order number, PO number, or shipment number are listed:
- In ascending document number order, before transactions that include an order number, PO number, or shipment number, if you display the list in ascending
order. - In descending document number order, after transactions that include an order number, PO number, or shipment number, if you display the list in descending order.
- Specify a starting value with which to begin the ordered list of transactions.
- If you want to include fully paid transactions and/or pending amounts in the display,select the options to include them.
- Click the Go button or press F7 to display documents that match your selections.
Tips:- Click the Go button whenever you change the display options on the Documents tab.
- Click the Refresh button to update the display with recent changes that you or other users may have entered since you selected the current customer. (The Refresh button is at the bottom left corner of the screen.)
- To view more information about a particular transaction, you select (highlight) the line in the top table, and then you can:
- Drill down to view the transaction in the original entry screen. For help, see “Drilling Down from Customer Inquiry to a Transaction Entry” (page 115).
- Open the Document Inquiry screen to view all the information available for the
document in Accounts Receivable. For help, see “Opening Document Inquiry from
Customer Inquiry” (page 114). - View optional fields assigned to the transaction header by double-clicking in the Optional Fields column.
Note: The Optional Fields column appears if you use Sage 300 Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator. It is available if you select a transaction that uses optional fields. - Use the middle table on the Documents tab to review distribution details for the document you selected.
Double-click in the Optional Fields column on the second table to view optional fields assigned to a particular detail.
Note: The Optional Fields column appears if you use Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator. It is available if you select a transaction detail that uses optional fields. - Use the bottom table to review the adjustments, receipts, refunds, debit notes, and credit notes that have been applied to the document. Accounts Receivable displays one line of information for each applied transaction.
Double-click in the Ref. Document Number column to display document history for a particular applied document.
- In the Document Type field, select the type of documents you want to view.