How to view or edit serial number details on Sage 300 Inventory Control


  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Items and Price Lists > Serial Numbers.
  2. In the Serial Number field, type the serial number or use the Finder or the navigation buttons to select it.
    • Tip: If you specify an item number before the serial number, only serial numbers that are assigned to the item appear in the Finder.
  3. On the Serial Number tab, change details for the serial number, as required.
  4. To view, add, or edit optional fields assigned to the selected serial number, click the Optional Fields tab.
  5. To view or edit the item record, click the Items button. (The I/C Items screen appears.)
  6. To view transactions that include the selected serial number:
    1. Click the Transactions button.  The Serial Number Inquiry screen appears, displaying a list of transactions.
    2. To drill down to a source document, select a transaction on the list, and then click the Details button.
  7. Click Save on the I/C Serial Numbers screen to save any changes you make.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.