How to set account permissions on Sage 300 General Ledger


  1. Open General Ledger > G/L Accounts > Account Permissions.
  2. In the User ID field, select the user for which you want to set permissions:
    • Tips:
      • If you have already added user IDs to G/L Security, you can browse through the list of user IDs using the navigation buttons, or use the Finder to select a user ID.
      • If you have not added the user ID for which you want to set permissions, click the Zoom button for the User ID field to display all Sage 300 user IDs, and then use the Finder to select the ID you need.
  3. Use the Segment tab to allow or deny user access to ranges of account segments—for example, to restrict access to a particular department.
    1. Click in the first row of the Allow column, then use the Spacebar or double-click to switch between No and Yes.
    2. Double-click in the Segment column, and then select a segment from the list that
      appears. (For example, you could select the Division account segment to restrict account access based on the company’s divisions.)
    3. Tab to the From column, and then use the Finder to select the first segment code in the range that you want to allow or restrict.
    4. Tab to the To column, and then use the Finder to select the last code in the segment range.
    5. Press the Insert key to start a new line to specify another range of segment codes.
    6. Click Add or Save.
  4. Use the Account tab to allow or deny user access to ranges of account numbers—for example, to allow access to accounts receivable sales accounts.
    1. Click in the first row of the Allow column, then use the Spacebar or double-click to switch between No and Yes.
    2. Tab to the From column, and then use the Finder to select the first account code in the range that you want to allow or restrict.
    3. Tab to the To column, and then use the Finder to select the last account in the range.
    4. Press the Insert key to start a new line to specify another range of account numbers.
    5. Click Save.
  5. Click the Test button to test the account segments you have specified.

The G/L Permissions Finder lists only the accounts this user has permission to see and work with.