How to Review Customer Comments on the Customer List Preview in Accounts Receivable for Sage 300

To review customer comments on the Customer List Preview:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Customers > Customer List.
  2. Specify criteria for to generate a customer list, including Comment Follow-up or Comment Expiration as selection criteria.
    If you need help to create a customer list, follow the instructions in “Printing a List of Customers” (page 300), specifying additional criteria for comments in the Select By fields.
  3. Accept the default range of comment follow-up or comment expiration dates, or specify a different range of dates using the From and To fields beside these criteria.
  4. If you want to include customers whose records do not have comment dates within the specified range, select the option Include Customers With No Comments.
  5. Click Process.
    The Customer List Preview screen appears, displaying two information tables.
    The top table includes the list of customers. The bottom table displays comments that match your criteria.
  6. On the top table, select the line for a customer whose comments you want to view.
    The bottom table on the preview lists comments that match your criteria for the selected customer.
    You can also add a new comment for a customer at this point.


    • Click in the Customer No. column for the customer for whom you want to add a comment.
    • Click the Customer No. column heading
      The Customer Inquiry screen opens, displaying information for the selected customer.
      On the Customer Inquiry screen:


      • Click the Comments tab.
      • Click the table on the Comments tab, and then press the Insert key on your
        keyboard to start a new line.


      • Enter or edit information for the comment as necessary, including the expiration date, follow-up date, comment type, and user ID.
      • Double-click the Comment field, and then type the text for the comment on the screen that appears.
      • Click Close to return to the Customer Inquiry screen.
      • Click Close to return to the Customer List.
  7. If you want to print the generated list to your usual print destination, click Print.