How to reverse Work Order Labor transactions in Sage 100


How to reverse Work order Labor Transactions


Enter a Labor transaction with a negative value for the quantity completed to reverse the hours and the related extended cost.

Note: A transaction for more than eight hours must be reversed in eight-hour increments. For example, to reverse a 24-hour transaction, create three separate lines, each for eight-hours.

  1. Open Work Order,  Main, Work Order Transaction Entry
  2. Select next available transaction number, and select Labor from the Type list.
  3. Select the affected employee or crew number
  4. Select Lines, select the applicable work order number and step number
  5. Enter the correct start and stop time.
  6. In the Qty Completed field, enter a negative quantity, and click OK.
  7. Update the transaction.
  8. Alternatively, enter a Misc Labor transaction to reverse the dollar amount without entering hours.
  9. Click Accept


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.