How to Revalue Transactions in Other Currencies in Accounts Receivable for Sage 300

Before You Start

  • Post all outstanding multicurrency transactions and update currency information in Common Services.
  • Determine the currencies to revalue and the rates to use.
  • Print the Provisional Revaluation Listing to view the transactions that would be created for the exchange gain and loss general ledger accounts. You can then make any necessary changes to your selections and to currency rates before you create the general ledger transactions.

To revalue transactions:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > Periodic Processing > Revaluation.
  2. If this is a provisional revaluation, select the Provisional Revaluation option.
  3. Use the table to enter the currency code, revaluation date, rate type, rate date, and new exchange rate for each currency you want to revalue.
  4. To change the optional fields and values for a particular line or to delete optional fields either double-click in the Optional Fields column for the currency line, or select the line, and then click the Optional Fields column heading.
    An Optional Fields screen opens, showing any revaluation optional fields set up for automatic insertion and their default values.
    You can edit the values for existing optional fields, or add or delete optional fields for the detail.
    However, you can add only optional fields that you set up for use in Revaluation.
  5. Click Process.

After creating a revaluation batch

  • Use the Adjustment Entry screen to review or edit the entries you created.
  • Post the revaluation batch