How to reinitialize Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts Entry files


Sage 100


North America


How to reinitialize Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts Entry files in Sage 100

How to reinitialize or erase A/R Cash Receipts data entry files


Backup Warning

Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.


Note: Reinitializing or recreating data files deletes all records in the selected files and is irreversible. Always make a backup before performing this procedure. Users should not be in the system when this procedure is being performed. Data files should never by reinitialized to “fix” an interrupted update. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage Software business partner or Sage Software Customer Support analyst.

Reinitialize the following files for A/R Cash Receipts:

Sage 100 versions 4.10 and later:

  1. Open Library Master, Utilities menu, Reinitialize Data Files
  2. In the Company Code field, select the affected company
  3. In the Module list, select Accounts Receivable.
  4. Select the following files, and click Proceed
    • AR_CashReceiptsDeposit
    • AR_CashReceiptsDetail
    •  AR_CashReceiptsHeader
    • AR_CashReceiptsRestart
  5. Open Library MasterUtilities menu, Rebuild Sort Files
  6. In the Company Code field, select the affected company.
  7. In the Module list, select Accounts Receivable and then click Proceed.
    • Note: It is not necessary to recalculate aging or open order amounts.
  8. If batch entry is used, delete the batch records from the GL_CompanyActiveBatch.m4t file
    • Library Master, Utilities menu, Data File Display and Maintenance (DFDM)
    • Click the Browse button, and select “..\MAS90\MAS_XXX\GLXXX\GL_CompanyActiveBatch.m4t (xxx = company code).
    •  Click the Key Scan button, and select A/R Cash Receipts batch records that share the following format:
        •  Module code: 3 characters (Always “A/R”)
        • Batch Type: 2 digits (Always “02”)
        • Batch Number: 5 digits (#####, where ##### is a batch number) For example, the key “A/R0212345” would be a sample A/R Cash Receipts batch record for Batch Number 12345.
  • Cick the Delete button.
  • Perform the steps above for any other valid A/R Cash Receipts batch record in the file.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.