How to Reconcile Serial Numbers or Lot Numbers on Sage 300 Inventory Control


  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Periodic Processing > Serial/Lot Reconciliations.
  2. Make a selection from the Transaction Type field.  You can select from the following transaction types:
    • Use Receipt to add serial numbers or lot numbers to match the number of items on hand.
    • Use Shipment to subtract serial numbers or lot numbers to match the number of items you have on hand.
    • Use OE Invoice to change the serial numbers or lot numbers assigned when items were sold, or to add the numbers if they were not assigned.
    • Use PO Invoice to change the serial numbers or lot numbers assigned when items were received from a vendor, or to add the numbers if they were not assigned.
  3. Fill in the remaining fields in the header section, as follows:
    • Apply to Document. If you selected OE Invoice or PO Invoice as the transaction type, enter the invoice number.
    • Item Number. Specify the item for which are reconciling serial numbers or lot numbers.
    • Location. Specify the location of the items.
    • Stock Date. Specify the date that the items with serial or lot numbers were received into inventory. (The default date is the session date.)
    • Quantity. Enter the quantity to reconcile.
    • Cost. If you selected Receipt or PO Invoice as the transaction type, adjust the unit cost of the item, if necessary.
  4. For a serialized item, use the Serials tab to reconcile serial numbers, as follows:
    • If you selected Receipt or PO Invoice as the transaction type, add serial numbers.
      • Accept or change the number that appears in the Next Serial Number field, and then do one of the following:
        • To add or assign the required serial numbers to the selected item automatically, click Auto-Gen.
        • To add or assign one serial number at a time, in the Next Serial Number field, accept or change the number that appears, and then click Add.
        • To enter serial numbers manually, click the first line in the table (or press the Insert key to start a new line), and then use the Finder in the Serial Number column to select the number from a list of serial numbers available for the specified location.
          • Note: If you click Auto-Gen or Add, the program assigns numbers sequentially starting with the number in the Next Serial Number field.
        • If you selected Shipment or OE Invoice as the transaction type, subtract serial numbers.
      • To remove the required serial numbers automatically, select the Auto-Allocate From option, and then click Auto-Alloc. The program removes serial numbers starting with the number in the Auto-Allocate From field.
      • To remove serial numbers manually, click the first line in the table (or press the Insert key to start a new line), and then use the Finder in the Serial Number column to select a number from a list of serial numbers available for the specified location.
  5. For a lotted item, use the Lots tab to reconcile lot numbers, as follows:
    • If you selected Receipt or PO Invoice as the transaction type, add lots.
      • Use the Make X Lots field or the Each Lot has X field to specify the required number of lots or the required quantity in each lot, and then do one of the following:
        • To add the required lot numbers to the selected item automatically, accept or change with the next lot number, click Auto-Gen.
        • To add lots one at a time, accept or change the number that appears in the Next Lot Number field, and then click Add.
        • To add lot numbers manually, click the first line in the table (or press the Insert key to start a new line), and then use the Finder in the Lot Number column to select the lot from the list of lot numbers available for the specified location.
    • If you selected Shipment or OE Invoice as the transaction type, subtract lots.
      • To remove the required lot numbers automatically, click Auto-Alloc.
      • To remove lot numbers in sequence starting with a certain number, select the Auto-Allocate from option, specify the starting lot number in the adjacent field, and then click Auto-Alloc. The program removes lot numbers starting with the number in the Auto-Allocate From field.
      • To enter lot numbers manually, click the first line in the table (or press the Insert key to start a new line), and then use the Finder in the Lot Number column to select the lot from the list of lot numbers available for the specified location.
        • Note: When reconciling a shipment, make sure you select lots that are not recalled or in quarantine, or will not be able to save the transaction.
  6. Click Post to complete the reconciliation.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.