How to Process Multiple Credit Card Payments in Accounts Receivable for Sage 300
Before You Start
For each customer from whom you want to process payments, ensure that the following required information and settings are specified:
- On the A/R Credit Card Information screen, a credit card must be set up for the customer with the following options selected:
- Approved for Automatic Payments
- Use This as Default Card
Also, this credit card must use the same currency as the customer’s currency.
The currency for a credit card is determined by the Processing Code specified for the credit card on the A/R Credit Card Information screen.
The currency for a customer is determined by the Account Set specified for the
customer on the Processing tab of the A/R Customers screen. - On the Processing tab of the A/R Customers screen, a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card must be specified for the customer.
If you want to allow terms discounts (as specified on invoices), select the Allow Terms Discount on Credit Card Receipts option on the PMT Options screen.
- If this option is selected, terms discounts are allowed. A credit card payment can be processed for an invoice in the following situations:
- The invoice due date is on or before the Invoices Due On or Before date.
- A terms discount for the invoice is available on the Invoices Due On or Before date.
- If this option is not selected, terms discounts are not allowed. A credit card payment can be processed for an invoice only if the invoice due date is on or before the Invoices Due On or Before date
To process credit card payments:
- Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Process Credit Card Payments.
- In the Invoices Due On or Before field, specify a due date for invoices.
Invoices that are due on or before the date specified in this field appear in the table, allowing you to process payments for them.
Notes:- This date is used as the batch date for receipt batches created when you process payments.
- If you allow terms discounts for credit card payments, invoices with terms discounts do not only appear in the table if they are due on or before the specified date. They also appear if a terms discount is available on the specified date. For example:
An invoice for one of your customers is due on June 30, but it includes a terms discount if it is paid before June 10. In the Invoices Due On or Before field, you enter June 4. The invoice appears in the table, even though it is due after June 4, because the terms discount is available on June 4.
If you have an invoice with terms discounts that is set up to be paid in multiple payments (for example, three monthly installments), all the outstanding payments for the invoice appear in the table. For such invoices, take care not to process payment for all the outstanding payments.
- If you want to specify other criteria by which to filter invoices (such as customer number or processing code), enter information in the fields above the table.
- Click the Go button.
Pending invoices that match the criteria you specified appear in the table. In the Apply column, “Yes” appears by default for all invoices. - If you do not want to process payments for all invoices that appear in the table, set the value in the Apply column to “No” for invoices you want to exclude from processing.
- To set the value in the Apply column, select a row, and then double-click the Apply column or press the spacebar.
- If you want to set this value to “No” for all invoices, click the Apply None button.
- If you want to set this value to “Yes” for all invoices again, click the Apply All button.
- If you want to print receipts after you process payments and create receipts, select the Print Receipts After Processing Payments option.
If you select Print Receipts After Processing Payments, the A/R Receipts report screen opens after Sage 300 processes payments and creates receipts. By default, the numbers of the first and last Accounts Receivable batches created while processing payments are specified in the From and To batch number fields. - Click Process Payments.
- Paya processes payments for all documents that display “Yes” in the Apply column.
- Accounts Receivable creates a receipt for each payment that is successfully processed.
- Accounts Receivable creates a receipt batch with the date specified in the Invoices Due On or Before field used as the batch date. If you use multiple processing codes, a separate receipt batch is created for each processing code.
- When processing is complete, a message displays summary information about payments that were successfully processed. If any errors occur while processing payments and creating receipts, a message displays detailed information about each error.
Tip: If any payments were not processed, or if any receipts were not created, print this message to create a record of errors that you need to resolve. - If you select Print Receipts After Processing Payments, the A/R Receipts report screen opens after Sage 300 processes payments and creates receipts. By default, the numbers of the first and last Accounts Receivable batches created while processing payments are specified in the From and To batch number fields.