How to Process an RMA in Sage 100


How to Process a Return Material Authorization (RMA)
How to Process RMAs
How to Enter an RMA receipt


  1. Expand Return Merchandise Authorization, Main, RMA Entry.
  2. Enter the Accounting Date and Click OK.
  3. In RMA Number, enter a RMA number or select Next RMA Number.
  4. In the Customer No. field, use the Lookup to select the appropriate customer and click Select.
  5. In the Return Via field and the Return To field, accept the defaults as set-forth in RMA Options or use the Lookup to change return delivery and/or return warehouse.
  6. On the Lines tab, click the Lookup to select the appropriate invoice and click Select.
  7. From the RMA Item Selection box, highlight the appropriate item to be returned.
  8. In the lower grid, select the appropriate Customer Action, Item Action, Vendor Action from the chevron drop downs.
  9. In the Return Reason field, use the Lookup to select the appropriate Return Reason Code and click Select.
  10. In the Return Qty column, make any adjustments necessary.
  11. Check Credit Freight check box if freight charged is to credited when credit memo is generated
  12. Click Accept.

When the returned merchandise has been received:

  1. Expand Return Merchandise Authorization, Main, RMA Receipts Entry.
  2. Use the Lookup to select the appropriate RMA number and click Select.
  3. On the Lines tab, click Yes to receive the complete RMA or No to receive partial RMA.
  4. Make necessary adjustments in the Received Qty column and click Accept.
  5. Click the Printer icon to Generate Transactions, click Proceed and the Printer icon again to generate the required documents (i.e., Sales Order, Credit Memo, etc.).
  6. Update generated documents in the Sales Order Module.

Additional Notes:
Depending on the Customer Action additional steps will need to be completed within the Sales Order module, for example, if the customer is receiving a credit and a Credit Memo was generated, the Sales Order Daily Sales Reports/ Updates will need to be completed.

If Batch Processing is enabled, you are unable to add additional entries in the Generate Transactions screen.