How to Print the Stock transactions Report on Sage 300 Inventory Control


  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Stock Control Reports > Stock Transactions.
  2. Make your selections in the following fields:
    • Report Type. Select a report type, and then specify whether to print a summary or detail report.
    • Group By. Specify whether to group report results by items or locations.
    • Print. The report prints both the costs and quantity of the selected items as the default. You can choose to print only the costs or only the quantities.
    • As at Year/Period. Select the period(s) for the report.
      • Note: If you are printing a Stock Transactions report, you can select a range of periods. If you are creating a Stock Status report, select a single period.
    • From Account Set/To, From Location/To, From Item Number/To Item Number. Specify ranges of account sets, locations, and item numbers to include on this report.
      • Note: Make sure the starting value is smaller than the ending value. For example, specify From Account Set AVG To LIFO, or From Location 1 To 2, not the other way around.
    • Include Inactive Items. Select this option to include inactive items on the report.
  3. Click Print.
    • If you are printing to a physical printer, the Print window appears. Confirm your printer selection and the number of copies to print, and then click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel or Setup.
    • If you are printing to the screen (preview), the report appears in a new window. You can print the report or export it to a file.
      • Note: For Web-based clients, the preview screen appears first when you click the Print button.
    • If you are printing to a file, the Export window appears. Specify the file format (for example, PDF, DOC, or XLS). Also, specify a destination for the file:
      • Application. View the report in an application that can open files of the specified format (for example, if you specify PDF as the file format, the report opens in Adobe Acrobat). You can then save the file.
      • Disk file. Save the report to a location you specify.
      • Microsoft Mail. Send the report as an e-mail attachment.
        • You can enter the name of a non-existent file or directory to be created by the system when you print. When you print to a file, the report is assigned a unique name, for example, CS1000.TXT.
    • If you are printing to e-mail, an e-mail message appears with the report attached.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.