How to print the F/A Assets report on Sage 300


  1. Open the Asset Inquiry form.
  2. In the Application Source field, type the source code for the application in which you processed the assets you want to review. If you leave the field blank, the report will include assets from all Sage 300 applications.
  3. Use the Status field to select the status that the assets must have to appear on the report. You can select Pending, Created, or Error to restrict the report to assets that have that status, or you can select All to include all assets regardless of their status.
  4. If you want to limit the report to assets purchased or withdrawn from inventory for internal use during a specific time period, use the From
    and To Acquisition Date fields to identify the period.
  5. To select a printer, a page orientation, and other printing options for the report:
    1. From the File menu, select Print Setup:

             2. Select the printing options you want to use for this report.

             3. Click OK.

       6. On the File menu, click Print.