Printing Accounts Receivable Statements in Sage 300


How to print Sage 300 AR Statements


  • To print AR Statements the “Print Statements” option in AR Customer, Processing tab must be selected.
  • If Statements are to be emailed then the Delivery method should be set to “E-mail” or “Contact’s Email”. Then, Email on the Address or Contact tab should be entered. The option to “Mail” Statements refers to printing a hard copy and placing in an envelope for posting.
  • Customers that are part of a National Account cannot have individual statements printed if a National Account Statement has been printed.
  • In A/R Customer Reports use the Statements / Letters / Labels function to print Statements.
  • The “Delivery Method” is set to “Print destination” by default. If Statements are top be emailed, then the “Customer” method should be used.
  • The “Run Date” is the cut-off date for the documents to be printed on the Statement.
  • The “Cutoff Date” and “Age By” settings are used for the Account Aging at the bottom of the Statement form.
  • If a Statement is printed that is not correct, then the Question “Were the statements printed successfully?” should be answered “No”. In the screen that follows “Select Statements to be Canceled”, Customer numbers may be selected for which the printed Statements will be Canceled (Voided) from the system. The Canceled Statements may then be printed again.
  • Once a Statement is printed and posted, that means the “Were the statements printed successfully?” is answered “Yes”, the Statement may be Reprinted, but not Created again.