How to post from Bank Reconciliation to General Ledger in Sage 100
How to post from Bank Reconciliation to General Ledger
As of version, Sage 100 ERP has the capability to post Bank Reconciliation transactions to the General Ledger module.
Note: We suggest entering to post transactions to the the G/L one month at a time. Any transactions selected to post to General Ledger will use the same posting date when the B/R journal entry is updated
Example: If 2 separate transactions were entered into Bank Rec one with a date in January and the other in February. When prompted to update the Bank Transaction Register both entries will be included in Bank Rec Transaction Register but since you can only select one posting date, one month will not balance to the G/L.
- Expand Bank Reconciliation, Main, Checks, Deposits and Adjustments -OR- Reconcile Bank.
- Enter all applicable check, deposit or adjustment information on the last entry line.
- Select the box to Select For G/L Posting
- In the Distribution Account No field, select the appropriate G/L Distribution account number from lookup (Note: do not enter the G/L cash account number, the offset account number will automatically be the cash account selected in Bank Code Maintenance for this Bank Code.)
- For example: if you need to enter & post Bank Services Charges, you would select the G/L expense account for Bank Service Charges. When the Bank Transaction Register journal entry updates to the G/L it will Credit the Cash Account associated with that Bank Code and Debit the Bank Service Charge expense account.
- Click Accept
- Click the B/R Trans Register button
- Select the Bank Code from lookup
- Enter the Bank Reconciliation Posting Date.
- Print and update the B/R Transaction Register.
- Print and update the Bank Reconciliation Daily Transaction Register. (Note: this step will update the transaction to the G/L).
Note: The proper Role permissions must be selected in Role Maintenance.
- Open Library Master, Main, Role Maintenance
- Select applicable role from look up
- Verify the check boxes are selected:
- On the Tasks tab, expand Bank Reconciliation > Update/Period End
- Bank Reconciliation Transaction Register
- Daily Transaction Register
- On the Module Options tab expand Bank Reconciliation
- Allow Access to the Select G/L Posting setting for Check Entries
- Allow Access to the Select G/L Posting setting for Deposit and Adjustment Entries
- On the Tasks tab, expand Bank Reconciliation > Update/Period End
- Click Accept
If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.