How to Map a UDF to Flow or Update from Sales Order to Accounts Receivable in Sage 100
How to map a UDF to flow or update from the SO_SalesOrderHeader table through SO_InvoiceHeader to AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader to AR_StatementWrk, using Custom Office in Sage 100
Backup Warning
Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.
- Expand Modules, Custom Office, Main.
- Double-click User-Defined Field and Table Maintenance.
- Expand Sales Order, and select the SO Sales Order Header table.
- Click the Edit Fields button.
- Click the Add button, and enter the following information:
- Field Name = SOHEADER
- Source = Manual Entry
- Click OK at the “Changes have been made to the user-defined fields…” dialog box to update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Click the Add button, and enter the following information:
- Select the SO Sales Order Work table. Enter the UDF created above in SO_SalesOrderHeader. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = SO_SalesOrderPrinting_rpt
- Data Source = SO_SalesOrderHeader
- Click OK , and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Select the SO Invoice Header table. Enter the UDF created above, SOHEADER. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = SO_Invoice_bus
- Data Source = SalesOrderNo
- Click OK , and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Select the SO Invoice Work table, and enter the UDF created above, SOHEADER. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = SO_InvoicePrinting_rpt
- Data Source = SO_InvoiceHeader
- Click OK , and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Also select the following (Note: The sub steps immediately below cannot be completed until the next two main steps (8 and 9) for the UDF in AR Invoice History Header are completed):
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = AR_InvoiceHistoryPrinting_rpt
- Data Source = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader
- Click OK, and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files
- Select the AR Transaction Posting table, and enter the UDF created above, SOHEADER. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = SO_SalesJournal_upd
- Data source = SO_InvoiceHeader
- Click OK , and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Select the AR Invoice History Header table, and enter the UDF created above, SOHEADER. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = AR_SalesJournal_upd
- Data Source = AR_TransactionPosting
- Click OK , and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Also select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = SO_SalesJournal_upd
- Data Source = AR_TransactionPosting
- Click OK , and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Select the AR Invoice Work table, and enter the UDF created above, SOHEADER. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = AR_InvoiceHistoryPrinting_rpt
- Data Source = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader
- Click OK, and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Select the AR Transaction Payment History table, and enter the UDF created above, SOHEADER. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = AR_SalesJournal_upd
- Data Source = AR_TransactionPosting
- Click OK, and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Also select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = SO_SalesJournal_upd
- Data Source = AR_TransactionPosting
- Click OK, and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Select the AR Statement Work table, and enter the UDF created above, SOHEADER. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = AR_StatementPrinting_rpt
- Data Source = AR_TransactionPaymentHistory
- Click OK, and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- To add the UDF to the AR Statement Work form:
- Open the form in Crystal Designer.
- On the Database menu, click Verify Database.