How to Import into Sage Fixed Assets

This ‘How To’ supports the following:

  • Custom import.
  • Problems importing
  • Unable to see file preview during import.
  • How to do a custom import?
  • How to import a spreadsheet?
  • How to set up custom import file?
  • What are the required fields during an import?
  • How to import data into FAS?
  • How to custom import?
  • How to import assets?
  • How to import from Excel?
  • How to upload assets?
  • Have errors when upload assets
  • Cannot convert column X to a number
  • Cannot convert column X to a date
  • Unknown Depreciation Method
  • Critical Fields Missing
  • Invalid Life Format
  • Beginning Accumulation must not be zero
  • Beginning Accumulation must not exceed depreciable basis

Backup Warning
Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions.

Warning: Custom Import requires other Depreciation users to be out of the company.

Note: Sample import file is included with the software to assist in creating a spreadsheet. This can be located at the following file location: “C:\Program Files (x86) or Program Files\Sage Fixed Assets\Depreciation\sampleimport.xls“.

The Custom Import process can be accessed through Sage Fixed Assets by going to File, Company Utilities, Custom Import.


  1. Save file from Excel Office 2007 or 2010, using the default *.xlsx format or Comma Separated Values (.CSV).
  2. Format all columns to General Text and for date columns, set to Custom and enter: MM/DD/YYYY.
  3. Import file must include 5 critical fields:
    • Property Type
    • Place in Service Date
    • Acquisition Value – Format will be a number with a decimal point, no commas, and no dollar signs.
    • Estimated Life – Format sample: 0506 for 5 years and 6 months and 1000 for 10 years.
    • Depreciation Method: Format sample:

MF200 needs to be in two separate columns; MF the Depreciation Method in one, 200 the Declining Balance Percentage in another.

SL and other methods that do not involve percentage can be setup in one column.


  • Requires 3 separate fields on the import file, Begin Thru Date, Begin YTD, Begin Accum:
  1. Beginning Thru Date – Ending date for the accumulation.
    •  Example: If importing ending Accum for 12/2004, the column needs to have “12/31/2004”.
  2. Beginning YTD – This column is Year-to-Date calculation.
    •  Example: If importing ending Accum for 12/2004, the column needs to have year to date calculation, i.e. .- The amount of depreciation calculated from 1/2004 – 12/2004.
  3.  Beginning Accum – Ending depreciation accumulation as of 12/31/2004.

    Note: Beginning YTD is not required. If there is a Beginning Thru Date there must be a Beginning Accum amount to go with it.


  1. Unknown Depreciation Method – Separate depreciation method and depreciation percent into two columns.
  2. Critical Fields Missing – Ensure the map contains the above list critical fields for each books being imported.
  3. Invalid Life Format – Check the estimated life format and/or check rules to verify if life is valid for its use.
  4. Beginning Accumulation must not be zero – If there is a Beginning Thru date, there must be an amount in the Beginning accumulation field. Clear out beginning date or insert an accumulation amount into Begin Accum field.
  5. Beginning Accumulation must not exceed depreciable basis – Beginning accumulation must not exceed acquisition cost of the asset. In the case where the asset being imported has a Section 179 amount or is using aSection 168(k) Allowance depreciation method, both of which lower the depreciable basis, the beginning accumulation cannot include those amounts.
  6. Cannot convert column X to a number – When importing the Acquisition value of an asset, the column must contain only a number with a decimal point: no commas, no dollar signs.
  7. Cannot convert column X to a date – Format the Date columns as a Date format: MM/DD/YYYY
    Note: Please see Appendix D Custom Import Helper section of Sage Fixed Assets User’s Guide found in Sage Fixed Assets Help menu for more information on the import process.