How to Enter a Customer Receipt in Accounts Receivable for Sage 300

Before You Start

  • Group receipts by bank account.
  • If you use multicurrency accounting, update currency information and exchange rates in Common Services.
  • Select Receipt options on the A/R Options screen, particularly:
    • Allow Printing Of Deposit Slips. Select this option if you want to print deposit slips.
    • Create Deposit Slip When Receipt Batch Is Created. Select this option to create a deposit slip automatically for each new batch you add.
    • Allow Edit After Receipt Printed and Allow Edit After Deposit Slip Printed. Select these options to allow editing of the batch after you print a receipt or deposit slip.
  • Select the correct print destination.
  • If you use optional fields, define the optional fields you want to use on receipts.
  • If you use Payment Processing, verify that a processing code exists for the bank to which you will deposit credit card receipts. If no processing code has been set up in Payment Processing that specifies the bank you select, you cannot process a credit card transaction.

To add a customer receipt:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Receipt Entry.
  2. Use the Batch Number field to do one of the following:
    • Create a new receipt batch by clicking the New button.
    • Select an existing open batch using the navigation buttons or the Finder .
  3. If you use Payment Processing and want to process a credit card payment for the receipt, select a bank that matches the bank specified for the processing code you will use to process the credit card transaction.
    Note: If no processing code has been set up in Payment Processing that specifies the bank you select, you will not be able to process the credit card transaction.
    Tip: You can use the A/R Process Credit Card Payments screen to process credit card payments for multiple pending invoices (invoices with outstanding payments), and to create receipts for the processed payments.
  4. Beside the Entry Number field, enter a description of the receipt transaction or other information you want to record.
  5. Select Receipt as the transaction type, if it is not already displayed as the default.
  6. Enter the date for the receipt, and, if necessary, change the fiscal year and period to which you are going to post the transaction.
  7. Enter customer information.
    • Enter the customer number, and then press Tab.
    • If the receipt is from someone other than the customer (for example, for a third-party check), do one of the following:
      • On the A/R Receipt Entry screen, enter the name of the payer in the field next to the customer number.
      • On the A/R Quick Receipt Entry screen, enter the name of the payer in the Payer field.
  8. Accept the payment code that appears, if it is correct, or select a payment code. If you use Payment Processing and want to process a Paya credit card payment for the transaction, select a payment code that uses the SPS Credit Card payment type.
    Tip: Click the Payment Code Finder to see a list of payment codes and associated payment types.
    If you select a payment code that uses the SPS Credit Card payment type, the Processing Code field appears, along with a status field that displays information about the status of the credit card transaction.
    If a single processing code exists for the bank you selected, that code appears in the Processing Code field. Verify that the default selection is correct, or if no default appears, select a processing code that specifies the bank you selected for the batch.
  9. Enter information about the payment.
    • In the Check/Receipt No. field, enter the check number or another number to identify the receipt.
      Note: If you leave the field blank, Accounts Receivable assigns a number using the batch number and the entry number.
    • Enter an optional reference for the receipt.
  10. In the Receipt Amount field, enter the amount of the receipt.
    Also, if you use multicurrrency accounting, enter currency information.
    • Beside the Receipt Amount field, enter the code for the receipt currency.
    • If you need to edit the exchange rate, rate type, or rate date for this receipt, click Rates.
    • Click Close to return to the A/R Receipt Entry screen.
  11. If you are entering a partial receipt for a job-related document, choose an apply method for the receipt, and apply the receipt, if necessary.
  12. Apply the receipt.
  13. Click Add.

After adding a customer receipt

  • If you use Payment Processing and selected a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card, click the Charge or Quick Charge button to process a credit card payment for the receipt.
  • Print receipts for the customer. 
  • Print the deposit slips report.