How to create a Sage 300 Payroll Deduction Code with multi-level rates.


Sage 300cloud


How to create a multi-level rate deduction code with the following requirements:

  • Rate at 5% up to earnings of 50,000
  • Rate at 8% for earnings above 50,000
  • no maximum deduction amount
  • no employee matching


  1.  Go to Payroll Setup.
  2. Double-click on Earnings and Deductions.
  3. Enter the New Earning and Deduction code name to be created.
  4. Enter the Description.

Basic Info tab

  1.  Enter the Short Description.
  2. Select the Category: Deduction.
  3. Select the Employee Calc. Method: Percentage of Base.
  4.  Select the other appropriate options as desired for this tab.

Employee tab

  1. Enter 5 for Percent.
  2. Select Base Amount for Min. and Max. Based On.
  3.  Enter 2500 in the Annual Maximum.
  4. Select After Annual Maximum Reached for Secondary Rate Effective.
  5.  Enter 13.1 for Secondary Rate Percent
  6. Select the other appropriate options as desired for this tab.

Calc Base tab

  • Select the appropriate options as desired for this tab.

G/L Dist tab

  •  Select the appropriate options as desired for this tab.

Optional Fields tab

  • Select the appropriate options as desired for this tab.

Now this deduction code is ready to be added to employees.