How to copy items and prices to another price list on Sage 300 Inventory Control


  1.  Open Inventory Control > I/C Items and Price Lists > Copy Item Pricing.
  2. If you have a multicurrency system, enter (or use the Finder to select) the currency from which you want to copy item pricing information.  If you have a multicurrency system, you must specify the currency of the prices you are copying.  You can copy prices to a different currency in the same price list, specifying an exchange rate to convert prices from one currency to another. This is the simplest way to update prices in different currencies.
  3. Enter (or use the Finder to select) the code for the price list from which you want to copy item pricing information.
  4. If you have a multicurrency system, enter or select the code for the currency to which you are copying pricing information.
  5. Enter or select the code for the price list to which you want to copy pricing information.
  6. Use the Select by list to specify a selection method, and then use the From and To fields to
    specify the range of item prices to copy.
    • You can copy prices for all or a portion of the price list, selecting the range of prices by one of the following elements:
      • Item numbers
      • Item categories
      • Item segments
      • Vendor numbers
      • Any optional field defined for Inventory Control items
  7. In the Select Fields section, select the pricing information to copy.  Choose which pricing information you want copied to the target price list:
    • Base Price. Select the Base Price option to copy the base price.
    • Decimal Places. If you select the Base Price option, select the number of decimal
      places to use when displaying or printing the base and sale prices.
    • Sale Price. Select the Sale Price option to copy the sale price.
    • Sale Starts/Ends. If you select the Sale Price option, select the first and last dates from the drop-down calendar for a sale period during which sale prices apply.
    • Markup Cost. Select the Markup Cost option to copy the markup cost.
    • Markup Factor. To select the Markup Cost option, enter the number by which to multiply the markup costs to calculate the selling prices for items on the new price list.
    • Discount/Markup Information. Select the Discount/Markup Information option to copy
      the item’s discount or markup information that is specified on the Discounts tab of the
      Item Pricing screen.
      • If you specify discounts or markups by percentage, this information is unaffected by
        increases or decreases when copying.
    • Price Check Information. Select the Price Check Information option to copy the price check information that is specified on the Price Check tab of the Item Pricing screen. Price check information includes item and employee-specific rules for checking price override amounts entered in Order Entry.
      • Note: Price checks are available only in Sage 300 Premium.
    • Tax Information. Select the Tax Information option to copy the item’s tax information that is specified on the Taxes tab of the Item Pricing screen.
      • The tax information may not be valid in the target price list if you are copying between
        currencies. Tax information is unaffected by increases or decreases when copying.
  8. In the Create the Selected Fields section, specify whether to increase or decrease prices in the target price list by a percentage, or (in a multicurrency system) apply an exchange rate.  You can increase or decrease the pricing information when you copy it by specifying a
    percentage or, if you have a multicurrency system, an exchange rate. This feature lets you
    quickly set up discounted price lists or price lists in another currency.
    • Note:
      • If you calculate discount and markup amounts by percentages, these percentages are not affected by increases or decreases you specify when copying.
      • Tax information is not affected by copying with an increase or decrease.
  9. Click Copy to copy pricing information for the selected range of items.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.