How to Change Fiscal Year Periods in General Ledger for Sage 100
- How to Change Fiscal Year Periods in General Ledger
- How to change from a fiscal year to a Calendar Year
Backup Warning
Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.
- Make a Copy Company, copy all modules. See Related Article below, on How to Copy Existing Company Data.
- All users must be out of the Company Code
- Open General Ledger, Setup, General Ledger Options.
- Write down the values in the Current Fiscal Year and Current Period fields. Change the fields to the following: *See Tip below for determining the first year that contains data
- Current Fiscal Year = The earliest fiscal year that contains data for the company
- Current Period = Period 1
- Click Accept
- Open Library Master, Utilities, Reinitialize Data Files.
- Select General Ledger and the Company Code.
- Select the following fields:
- GL_FiscalYear (GL Fiscal Year Masterfile)
- GL_FiscalYearDetail (GL Fiscal Year Detail field)
- Click Proceed Close the window when finished.
- Open General Ledger, Setup, Fiscal Year Maintenance. The default year shown is defined n G/L Options.
- Enter the correct starting and ending dates for period 01.
- Click the ‘Calculate Dates’ (gear) button.
- Click Accept.
- Enter the next year. The correct fiscal dates should automatically populate the Period fields.
- Click Accept. Add each year through the current fiscal period.
- Open General Ledger, Setup, General Ledger Options.
- Change the Current Fiscal Year and Current Period fields to the original year and period.
- Open General Ledger, Utilities, Recalculate Account Balances, and click Proceed
Tip: To determine the first fiscal year that contains data, do the following:
- Open General Ledger, Reports, General Ledger Trial Balance
Select the following Options:- Type of Balance to Print = Beginning Bal/Activity/Ending Bal.
- Fiscal Year = Earliest Fiscal year listed
- Starting Period = Period 01
- Ending Period = 12
- Deselect the Print Accounts with Zero Balance
- Select the Preview checkbox in the Keep Window Open After section
- Click Preview
- If there are Beginning Balances, this is the Earliest Fiscal Year and continue to step #1 above
- If you receive a message, “Data is not selected for report printing” click No and select the Next Fiscal Year listed and click Preview
- Continue with these steps until there are Beginning balances on the Trial Balance and continue to step #1 above
If the Beginning Balances are incorrect after changing fiscal years and recalculating account balances, please do the following:
- Note: Beginning balances may need to be reentered after Reinitializing GL_PeriodPostingHistory, please do the following:
- Open Library Master, Utilities, Reinitialize Data Files.
- Select Company Code, and select General Ledger in the Module list.
- Select GL_PeriodPostingHistory, and click Proceed.
- Open General Ledger, Utilities, Recalculate Account Balances.
- Click Proceed.
If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.