How to Change Fiscal Year Periods in General Ledger for Sage 100


  • How to Change Fiscal Year Periods in General Ledger
  • How to change from a fiscal year to a Calendar Year


Backup Warning

Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.


  1. Make a Copy Company, copy all modules. See Related Article below, on How to Copy Existing Company Data.
  2. All users must be out of the Company Code
  3. Open General Ledger, Setup, General Ledger Options.
  4. Write down the values in the Current Fiscal Year and Current Period fields. Change the fields to the following: *See Tip below for determining the first year that contains data 
      • Current Fiscal Year = The earliest fiscal year that contains data for the company
      • Current Period = Period 1
  5. Click Accept
  6. Open Library Master, Utilities, Reinitialize Data Files.
  7. Select General Ledger and the Company Code.
  8. Select the following fields:
      • GL_FiscalYear (GL Fiscal Year Masterfile)
      • GL_FiscalYearDetail (GL Fiscal Year Detail field)
  9. Click Proceed Close the window when finished.
  10. Open General Ledger, Setup, Fiscal Year Maintenance. The default year shown is defined n G/L Options.
  11. Enter the correct starting and ending dates for period 01.
  12. Click the ‘Calculate Dates’ (gear) button.
  13. Click Accept.
  14. Enter the next year. The correct fiscal dates should automatically populate the Period fields.
  15. Click Accept. Add each year through the current fiscal period.
  16. Open General Ledger, Setup, General Ledger Options.
  17. Change the Current Fiscal Year and Current Period fields to the original year and period.
  18. Open General Ledger, Utilities, Recalculate Account Balances, and click Proceed

Tip: To determine the first fiscal year that contains data, do the following:

  1. Open General Ledger, Reports, General Ledger Trial Balance
    Select the following Options:
      • Type of Balance to Print = Beginning Bal/Activity/Ending Bal.
      • Fiscal Year = Earliest Fiscal year listed
      • Starting Period = Period 01
      • Ending Period = 12
  2. Deselect the Print Accounts with Zero Balance
  3. Select the Preview checkbox in the Keep Window Open After section
  4. Click Preview
  5. If there are Beginning Balances, this is the Earliest Fiscal Year and continue to step #1 above
  6. If you receive a message, “Data is not selected for report printing” click No and select the Next Fiscal Year listed and click Preview
  7. Continue with these steps until there are Beginning balances on the Trial Balance and continue to step #1 above

If the Beginning Balances are incorrect after changing fiscal years and recalculating account balances, please do the following:

  • Note: Beginning balances may need to be reentered after Reinitializing GL_PeriodPostingHistory, please do the following:
  1. Open Library Master, Utilities, Reinitialize Data Files.
  2. Select Company Code, and select General Ledger in the Module list.
  3. Select GL_PeriodPostingHistory, and click Proceed.
  4. Open General Ledger, Utilities, Recalculate Account Balances.
  5. Click Proceed.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.