How to Apply a New Receipt to a Posted Invoice or Debit Note in Accounts Receivable for Sage 300

To apply a receipt:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Receipt Entry.
  2. Enter a new receipt. 
    Note: If you use Payment Processing and want to process a credit card payment, you must select a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card before adding the receipt. After you select the payment code, the Processing Code field appears, along with a status field that displays information about the status of the credit card transaction. After you
    add the receipt, the Charge and Quick Charge buttons become available.
    Tip: Click the Payment Code Finder to see a list of payment codes and associated payment types.
  3. Select the Select Mode option, unless you know the document number to which to apply the receipt.
    Tip: If you select the Select Mode option, you can also select the Auto Apply option to let Accounts Receivable apply the document automatically to the document with the earliest due date in the customer’s account.
  4. If you do not select the Auto Apply option, select the document type (All, Invoice, Credit Note, Debit Note), list order (Document Number, Purchase Order Number, Due Date, Order Number, Document Date, Current Balance), and an optional starting number, balance, or date.
  5. Click the Go button to display the customer’s open documents of the selected type.
    Note: If you selected the Auto Apply option and you are satisfied with the result, skip the next step.
  6. Double-click in the Apply column (changing the entry to Yes) for each document to which you want to apply the receipt.
    To partially pay a document, type the amount to apply in the Applied Amount column.
    Note: If you selected the Auto Apply option, Accounts Receivable displays Yes automatically for the documents it selected to pay. You can change the selection by doubleclicking the Apply column in the row you want to change. You can also change the amount as described in this step.
    If you apply an amount that is greater than the amount you actually received from the customer, you create a receipt with a debit balance. (You might do this, for instance, if you have not yet issued a credit note for the customer. When you process the credit note, later, you can apply it to the receipt to produce a net result of zero.)
    If you apply an amount that is less than the amount you received from the customer, the unapplied portion is posted with the original receipt. You can then apply the unapplied portion of the posted receipt, later.
  7. If you use Payment Processing and selected a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card, click the Charge or Quick Charge button to process a credit card payment for the receipt.
  8. Click Save to apply the receipt.
    Note: To cancel the application, click Close or select another entry number, and then click No on the message that appears asking whether you want to save your changes.

After you apply the receipt

Post the batch that contains the receipt.