How to Add Reference Rows in Sage 300
- In cell A5, type %%. %% is a “wildcard” account reference that instructs Financial Reporter to query all accounts.
- In cell B5, type (ACCTGRPCOD=1). This expression restricts the accounts to the account group for Current Assets.
- Note: The account group code for Current Assets is 1 in sample data, but may be different for your company.
- In cell E5, type \. A backslash instructs Financial Reporter to use the current default formula for this column with the account number specified in column A (subject to the criteria specified in column B).
- In cell F5, type \.
- In cell E6, type Total Current Assets.
- In cell F6, type =SUM(F5). This instructs Financial Reporter to expand cell F5 on the report to include as many rows as there are Current Assets accounts. This cell reference (F5) will refer to all of the generated rows.
- In cell A8, type %%.
- In cell B8, type (ACCTGRPCOD=5). This expression restricts the accounts to the account group for Current Liabilities.
- Note: The account group code for Current Assets is 5 in sample data, but may be different for your company.
- In cells E8 and F8, type \.
- In cell E9, type Total Current Liabilities.
- In cell F9, type =SUM(F8).
- In cell E11, type Assets Minus Liabilities.
- In cell F11, type =F6-F9.
Your report specification now includes five reference rows.