How to Add, Modify, or Delete a Ship-To Location for a Customer in Accounts Receivable for Sage 300

Before You Start

  • Identify the customer number for which to add a shipping location.
  • Decide on the code to use to identify the new ship-to location.
    You can change all the information in a ship to record for a customer except the ship to code.
  • If you plan to delete a ship-to location, or set it inactive, make sure it is not used on any unposted documents.
    Tip: Assign different ship-to locations on the unposted documents.

To add a ship-to location:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Customers > Ship-To Locations.
  2. In the Customer No. field, enter the customer number, and then press Tab.
  3. Click the New button.
    A separate A/R Ship-To Locations screen opens, which you use to enter complete details for the new ship-to location record.
  4. In the Ship-To Location field, type a unique code to identify the ship-to location, and then press the Tab key to move to the next field.
  5. Type a description for the location.
  6. Fill out the fields on each tab.
    Information from these fields are used as defaults when you specify the ship-to location code on invoices and recurring charge records.
    Note: To designate the current ship-to location as the primary one for the customer, select the Primary Ship-To option on the Address tab.
  7. When you have finished, click Add.
  8. When you have finished adding ship-to locations, click Close to return to the list of ship-to locations, and then click Close again.

To edit an existing ship-to location:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Customers > Ship-To Locations.
  2. In the Customer No. field, enter the customer number, and then press Tab.
  3. Select (highlight) the ship-to location you want to edit, and then click Open.
  4. Make your changes.
    Note: If you use multicurrency accounting, you can change the tax group only to a tax group that uses the customer’s currency.
  5. Click Save.
  6. When you have finished editing ship-to locations, click Close to return to the list of ship-to locations, then click Close again.

To delete a ship-to location:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Customers > Ship-To Locations.
  2. In the Customer No. field, enter the customer number, and then press Tab.
  3. Select (highlight) the ship-to location you want to edit.
  4. Click Delete.

After adding or modifying

  • Print and file the updated “Printing the A/R Ship-To Locations Report” (page 323).