How to Add a Report Link to the Reports List on Sage 300


  1. Click the Reports list button at the right of your browser window.  The Reports list appears.
  2. Click Add Report Link.  The Add Report Link panel appears.
  3. In the Title field, add a title for the report link.
  4. Click Browse.
  5. Select a report file, and then click Select.
    • Important! The report file name cannot include any spaces.
  6. In the UI Profiles field, specify UI profiles for the report. Only users who are assigned to these profiles can view the report on the Reports list.
    • Tip: Click the UI Profiles menu to open a partial version of the UI Profiles screen, which you can use to create a new UI profile, or to review and change the list of users assigned to an existing UI profile. Other features of the full UI Profiles screen (such as the Reports tab) are not available.
  7. Click Save.

The link is added to the Reports list, with the title you specified appearing as the link text.