How to add a new account set in Sage 300 Accounts Payable


  1. Open Accounts Payable>A/P Setup>Account Sets.
  2. On the screen that appears, enter information in the following fields:
    • Account Set Code.  Type a code, up to six characters, to identify the account set.
    • Description.  Type a description of the account set.
    • Currency Code.  If this is a multicurrency account set, type the currency code, or use the Finder to select it.
      1. Note: You cannot change the currency code after you add the set.
    • General Ledger Accounts.  Type or select the general ledger account numbers that make up the set.  If you use Sage 300 General Ledger, you can select the account numbers from the Finder. In a multicurrency account set that does not use the functional currency, you must also enter the currency code and account numbers for the exchange gain, exchange loss, and exchange rounding accounts.
  3. When finished, click the Add button.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.