Error 65 _Winproc.sad 340 or 345 or 0340 or 0345 when accessing a task, panel, or screen in Sage 100
Sage 100
North America
Error: “65 _Winproc.sad 340 or 345 or 0340 or 0345” when accessing or clicking on a customized task window, panel, or screen in Sage 100
Backup Warning
Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.
The task window, panel, or screen is customized via Custom Office or by a third-party enhancement program, and may be corrupted
- Delete or reset the Custom Office task, screen, or panel for all users affected by the error
- Note: See the Related Resources section below for information on how to temporarily disable Custom Office, Customizer Selection modifications to task windows or screens. If the error does not occur when modifications (not third-party enhancements) are temporarily disabled, then that would help indicate that the issue is due to modifications made.
- Contact the provider of the third-party enhancement program that modifies the Sage 100 product