How to Enter Credit or Rebate in Sage Fixed Assets
- How to handle credit or rebate?
- Can I enter negative value as an asset?
- Asset credit
- Rebate on an asset
- How to enter reimbursement?
Credit or Rebate can be handled in two ways:
- Enter an new asset using credit date as Placed in Service date and use negative acquired value.
- Entering negative value will result in negative depreciation.
- Choosing this method will offset against the positive asset amount.
- Modify the existing asset by decreasing the value of the asset.
- If option will reduce the value of original asset by the amount of credit or rebate.
- This option will prompt user with 2 questions.
- 1st question: choose YES to continue with change.
- 2nd question: choose Current Thru Date option to keep the depreciation already taken on original acquired value.
- Save the asset.