Enable or Disable Sage Product Enhancement Program in Sage 100


How to enable or disable Sage Product Enhancement Program (PEP) for Sage 100 ERP


Method 1:

  1. Launch Sage 100 ERP
  2. Log on in using the Administrator account
  3. Select Sage Product Enhancement Program in the Administrative Tools window that appears
  4. Select or deselect the Participate in Program check box
  5. Click OK
  6. Click Close to exit Administrative Tools
  7. Click Cancel to close the Sage 100 ERP User Logon window, or log in with another User Logon

Method 2:

  1. Open Library Master, Utilities menu, Data File Display and Maintenance (DFDM)
  2.  Click OK at the WARNING prompt
  3. For File Name, enter SY_System.m4t
    o Note: Or click the Find File or Browse (folder icon) button to select ..\MAS90\MAS_System\SY_System.m4t where Sage 100 ERP is installed
  4. Click Edit to access the Data File Display and Maintenance – Edit window
  5. For Field Number select EnablePEPForSystem$
  6. For Change:
    o Enter a capital Y to enable the feature
    o Enter a capital N to disable the feature
  7. Click OK to exit the Data File Display and Maintenance – Edit window
  8. Close the Data File Display and Maintenance window