Deferred Printer is the only option available when accessing a Printing task


Deferred printer is the only option available when accessing a Printing task in Sage 100

  • Deferred printer is the only option available in Printer selection list
  • Deferred printing is the only option available when printing forms or reports
  • Deferred and Export printer is the only option available in Printer selection list
  • This may occur for one user, or for all users
  • Preview button can not be selected even for Deferred, or perhaps “Preview is not available on workstations that have the Sage 100 server path set to NO ACCESS”.


Backup Warning

Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions.

Network Warning

This solution requires advanced knowledge of your network. Contact your system administrator for assistance. Modifying Windows security incorrectly can severely affect system operations. Sage is not responsible for operational issues caused by incorrectly modifying your Windows security. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions.

Operating System Warning

This solution requires advanced knowledge of your computer’s operating system. Contact your system administrator for assistance. Modifying your Windows Registry incorrectly can severely affect system operations. Sage is not responsible for operational issues caused by incorrectly modifying your Windows Registry. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions.


  • Reports folder missing from the MAS90 directory.
  • Insufficient user rights, permissions to the defined data path, or invalid print drivers in Windows.
  • Insufficient user permissions to the local MAS90 folder on the workstation (Advanced and Premium).
  • Expired Windows user password.
  • Sota.Ini file is damaged or incorrect on the user station
  • Sage 100 Advanced/Premium: Bad path to Sage 100 installation path on local workstation (Path not available, mapped drive not available, or incorrect path on workstation install)


Data path may be incorrect in Company Maintenance:

  1. Open Library Master, Main, Company Maintenance
  2. Click the Preferences tab
  3. In the Data Location and Payroll Data Location fields, verify a UNC path is selected (example: “\\Servername\Apps\MAS90\MAS_XXX”) and not a physical drive letter (example: C:\Apps\Mas90).

Invalid Windows Printers:

  1. Open StartControl PanelDevices, and Printers
  2. Review listed printers are valid.  Delete any printers with Status Unable to connect or other errors.
  3. Confirm selected Windows Default Printer is an actual printer, and able to print a test page

Insufficient Permissions:

  1. Have a Windows Domain-level Administrator log onto the affected workstation, then access Sage 100 and a report or form printing task window, to test if the issue still occurs.
  2. For Sage 100 Advanced or Premium editions, the Windows account used to run Sage 100 on the server (as a Service or as an Application, so workstation users may connect) may be lacking in permissions. The account should be a Domain Administrator account (or in the Domain Administrator group).
    • If this occurs in Sage 100 Advanced or Premium editions, test by logging in using Standard mode. If it works in Standard mode, then the issue is likely a permissions problem with Windows account used to run Sage 100 as a Service or as an Application
      • Note: For additional information on using “Standard mode”, see the Related Resources section
  3. For users on Citrix/TS, some customers have reported having to set permissions at the Citrix server. (No additional details were provided.)
  4. Start Sage 100 as “Administrator”:
    1. Right-click the Sage 100 shortcut
    2. Select “Run as Administrator”

Insufficient Permissions to the local “..\MAS90” folder (Sage 100 Advanced or Premium):

  1. Verify that the Windows user has Full Control of the local “..\MAS90” folder (and all sub-folders and files under it) where the Sage 100 Workstation Setup client has been installed.
  2. If permissions are changed, reboot the workstation afterward.

Verify the ODBC path in SOTA.INI for the Sage 100 Advanced workstation:
If a Crystal form or report is selected, the user may have insufficient rights to the Sage 100 data folder on the server. Crystal Reports uses the UNC path to access data and requires sufficient network permissions.

  1. At the workstation, open Windows Explorer. Browse to “..\MAS90\Launcher\” folder where the Sage 100 Workstation Setup client has been installed.
  2. Open the SOTA.ini file using Notepad
  3. Scroll down to the [Servers] section.
  4. Copy the UNC path that displays after Path=
  5. (Note: If no path exists, that is also a known cause. A sample [Servers] section should appear as follows:
  6. 1=ServerName;;APS=SAGE;APPLICATION=Sage 100 ERP;Path=\\ServerName\Sage\MAS90\
  7. where would be the actual port number that Sage 100 Advanced program is running at.
  8. If this information is missing then the Sota.ini file is damaged.  Replace from a working workstation. (C:\Sage\Sage 100 Workstation\Home\Launcher directory or reinstall Sage 100 Workstation software)
  9. Click the Start button, and then click Run.
  10. Paste the UNC path into the Open field, and click OK. The folder should open in Windows Explorer.
  11. If an error or logon prompt displays, the path is either incorrect or restricted.
  12. Verify the path in the SOTAMAS90 DSN:
    Note: The path in SOTAMAS90 should match the ODBC path in Sota.ini.
    • Open ODBC Data Source Administrator in WindowsControl Panel
    • Select SOTAMAS90, and click the Configure button.
    • Copy the path from in the Database path field.
    • Click the Start button, and then click RunPaste the UNC path into the Open field, and click OK. The folder should open in Windows Explorer
    • If an error or logon prompt dialog box opens, the path is either incorrect or restricted.

Reports folder may be missing from the “..\MAS90” directory:

  1. Verify that the “Reports” folder is present in the “..\MAS90” directory on the server where Sage 100 is installed. If the folder is missing restore it from a current backup.

Expired Windows User Password

  1. Close all applications and log out of Windows or reboot your computer.
  2. Change your password.

Sage 100 Advanced/Premium: Incorrect or bad path on the workstation to Sage 100 installation location

Check the path to the Sage 100 server on the workstation

  1. In Sage 100 select FileRun, type *INFO in Program field and select OK.
  2. Note the Installed Directory Path on Sage 100 System Information OR
    • At the workstation, open Windows Explorer. Browse to the “..\MAS90\Launcher\” folder where the Sage 100 Workstation Setup client has been installed.
    • Open the SOTA.ini file using Notepad
    • Scroll down to the [Servers] section.
    • Copy the UNC path that displays after Path=
    • (Note: If no path exists, that is also a known cause. A sample [Servers] section should appear as follows:
      • 1=ServerName;;APS=SAGE;APPLICATION=Sage 100 ERP;Path=\\ServerName\Sage\MAS90\
      • where would be the actual port number that Sage 100 Advanced program is running at.
    • If this information is missing then the Sota.ini file is damaged.  Replace from a working workstation. (C:\Sage\Sage 100 Workstation\Home\Launcher directory or reinstall Sage 100 Workstation software)
  3. Click the Windows Start button, and then click Run.
  4. Paste the UNC path into the Open field, and click OK. The folder should open in Windows Explorer.
  5. If an error or logon prompt displays, the path is either incorrect or restricted.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.