CRM White Papers

Social Media / Email Marketing

Many companies are interested in email marketing campaigns but feel that running an effective campaign is either too technical, too expensive, or obsolete due to SPAM abuse. Fortunately, email marketing can be simple, affordable and effective.

Off-line advertising is expensive and can drain resources that could be spent more efficiently on less routine aspects of your business. On the other hand, with email marketing, you can write email messages yourself and have them sent within minutes. It will cost you only penniesbut the return could be exponential. Many parts of an email campaign are automated, so that you may need to sign into your account only to schedule future messages for time-sensitive messages like special offers. You can spend those left-over resources on other important aspects for your business.


Reasons why you want to start using email marketing:

  • Increase Sales: E-mails do lead to sales
  • Cost Effective: It doesn’t cost much to send
  • Targeting: You can segment who you want to send to
  • Fast Response Times: People respond to email
  • Track Results: It’s easy to see what works and what doesn’t
  • Build Relationships: You put yourself on your prospect’s mind