Configuration Settings for Sage CRM Integration with Sage 300 2019 and later
Sage 300
Sage CRM
When integrating Sage CRM with Sage 300 2019 or later, you must edit settings in two Web.config files, which are in the following locations in the Sage 300 program files folder:
- Online/Web/Web.config
- Online/WebApi/Web.config
For configuration settings to work, you must make the same change in both Web.config files.
Warning! The Web.config files affect the way Sage 300 works. Editing them can cause serious problems, including data corruption. We recommend you back up your data before editing the Web.config files, and proceed only if you understand these files and how to edit them.
Section to Add/Edit in Web.config files
Purpose of Setting
Supported Product Versions
<add key=”AllowWebApiAccessForAdmin” value=”false” />
Enable Sage CRM Integration for the ADMIN user:
- value=”true”. The ADMIN user can use Web API and Sage CRM Integration.
- value=”false”. The ADMIN user cannot use Web API or Sage CRM Integration.