Check #### for Bank XXXX was not found when trying to clear zero dollar transactions during a bank reconciliation
The following error may apprear when clearing zero dollar transactions resulting from Direct Deposit during a bank reconciliation:
Error: Check #### for Bank XXXX was not found.
A macro is available to run on those transaction so they can be cleared during the bank reconciliation. Please follow the steps below to obtain the macro:
- Download the macro
- Unzip the file. This will create the folder DDFixMacro.
- Browse into the folder DDFixMacro.
- Open the HotFixReadme.txt for instructions on how to use this macro.
- Make sure you create a backup of your database before running this macro.
- This macro is only a temporary fix to make it easier to clear these transactions in the bank reconciliation. This issue will be addressed in a future update or version.