AutoSimply Manufacturing Lot

For Sage 300

Integrate your manufacturing processes with your inventory practices. 

What is Manufacturing Lot Tracking?

A module fully integrates with our Manufacturing Order (M/O) and with the lot/serial of Inventory Control (I/C). It allows warehouse personnel to define lot/serial tracking information for materials issued, returned and received in the warehouse.

Why use Manufacturing Lot Tracking?

When integrating with Sage 300 I/C, AutoSimply M/L minimizes end-user workload in keeping track of lot records. Users now have only one stock balance to keep and one lot/serial tracking record to update. All lot/serial balance and history records are kept within Sage 300 I/C.

Key Features

Seamless Sage 300 I/C Lot/Serial Tracking

Single Lot/Serial Tracking

Lot/Serial Tracking for M/F Issuance

Lot/Serial Tracking for M/F Return

Lot/Serial Tracking for M/F Receipt

Reporting and Inquiries